Showing 13–16 of 16 results

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    SurfaPore® C

    Key Benefits: • Most Effective & Nano Based • High Breathability • Not Film Forming, Invisible • Long Lasting & UV Resistant • Easy Application on Surface or mixed in mortar • Water based • Environmentally friendly • Cost Effective

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    SurfaPore® M

    Key Benefits: • Most Effective&amp & Nano Based • High Breathability • Not Film Forming, Invisible • Long Lasting & UV Resistant • Easy Application • Withstands up to 350°C • Water based • Environmentally friendly • Cost Effective

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    SurfaShield® C

    Key Benefits: • Self-Cleaning • Self-Sterilizing • Superhydrophilic • Decomposes Odours • Air purifier • Continuous Action • Environmentally friendly cleaning technology

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    SurfaShield® G

    Key benefits: • Self-cleaning by absorbing sunlight • Antistatic – Prevents dust accu-mulation • Antifogging – superhyrdophilic • Increases glass transparency • Prevents slime and dirt accu-mulation • Binds chemically and perman-ently exhibiting advanced lifetime